Thursday, October 28, 2010

Parents want Rabbi Nimchinsky back

Rabbi Dov Nimchinsky was one of my favorite teachers at Beren Academy. His dedication to students was exemplary.

I remember that I was invited once to their sukkah for lunch, and Rabbi's wife Rivkey explained their early agreement. He wanted to be a teacher, but they both knew that it would be a tough life. She asked only one question, “Will it make you happy?” He said, “Yes!” As long as he kept his part of the bargain, she kept hers, managing a large family. And for all 16 years that “Rabbi Nim” was at the Academy, he never wavered.

My son Yosef was one of his students, and a case of success brought through by perseverance, Rabbi Nim’s and his. Yosef had problems learning Gemarah, and it was hard for him year after year. I tried to help, but with not too much success either. The breakthrough came in the last grade! Finally the hard work of both of them paid up, and Yosef was not afraid of the Talmudic logic anymore. Then I noticed that he remembered all his lessons, and used to recall the ideas in our conversations. And then he was completely at ease, as if it never had been hard.

Hundred of students were brought up by Rabbi Nimchinsky, and I think that he, more than anybody else, represents the face and spirit of the Academy. I personally would like nothing better than to see him back. I hope it will happen.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't he living in Pittsburgh and teaching there? I thought he was one heckuva smart guy and I thought the kids liked him. I never really dealt with him much, but he seemed like a no nonsense kinda guy - which I like.
